
Patients developing inflammatory bowel disease before spondyloarthritis manifest significantly higher rates of enthesitis: findings from a single-center real-life cohort.


Elisa Barone
Humanitas University, Milan
Nicoletta Luciano
Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan
Laura Loy 
Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan
Giacomo M. Guidelli
Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan
Daniela Renna
Humanitas Research Hospital, Milan
Angela Ceribelli
Humanitas University, Milan
Maria De Santis
Humanitas University, Milan
Alessandro Armuzzi
Humanitas University, Milan
Carlo Selmi
Humanitas University, Milan


entheropatic arthritis, enthesitis

Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) and spondyloarthritis (SpA) share numerous pathogenetic mechanisms and therapeutic options (i.e. biologics targeting TNFα and IL-23 inhibitors), especially in the case of psoriatic arthritis (PsA). Patients may present first with musculoskeletal or digestive manifestations and differences between these two phenotypes are unclear, particularly in terms of early presentations. From a clinical standpoint, subclinical enthesitis has been observed by ultrasonography in patients with IBD.

To analyze a cohort of patients diagnosed with both SpA/PsA and IBD and to compare the clinical features of patients presenting first with rheumatological manifestations (SpA>IBD) versus those developing IBD first (IBD>SpA).

This is a retrospective study of patients with IBD and SpA/PsA being followed by a multidisciplinary team of gastroenterologists and rheumatologists at the Humanitas ImmunoCenter between March 2022 and March 2023. From all patients, demographic data and clinical characteristics including comorbidities, complications and therapeutic history were compared between SpA>IBD and IBD>SpA.

The analysis included 48 patients (Table 1) with SpA/PsA and IBD. Patients with IBD>SpA had significantly higher rates of enthesitis both at baseline (p=0.015) and during the course of disease (p=0.043) compared to SpA>IBD. Other clinical differences did not reach statistical significance but patients with SpA>IBD tended to have more frequently peripheral arthritis (p=0.091) and persistently elevated C-reactive-protein (CRP) >1 mg/dl (p=0.061), used more NSAIDs (p=0.064), were more frequently obese (p=0.056) and had more gastro-esophageal reflux disease (p=0.085). Nearly half of the patients (22/48, 46%) fulfilled also PsA classification criteria due to a familial or personal history of psoriasis, a nail disease or previous episodes of dactylitis. This PsA-like subgroup had peculiar features compared to other SpA patients, including more common peripheral involvement (p=0.061), history of multiple therapeutic failures (p=0.017), family history of SpA (p=0.061), and current smoking habit (p=0.097). In terms of treatments possibly associated with the transition, the 11 of IBD>SpA cases that had received vedolizumab had a significantly higher frequency of elevated CRP (p=0.029) while none of the patients with SpA>IBD had been treated with IL-17A inhibitors.

In our real-world cohort of patients with IBD and SpA, enthesitis may be the earliest clinical manifestation of SpA in patients already diagnosed with IBD. The appearance of IBD in patients with SpA does not seem to be secondary to IL17A-targeting treatments.


Variable IBD onset (IBD>SpA) [n=36] Arthritis onset (SpA>IBD) [n=12] P value
Age (years) (median; IQR) 49 (45-52) 51 (43-59) 0.707
Female gender [n (%)] 23 (64%) 5 (41%) 0.176
Surgery for IBD [n (%)] 16 (44%) 4 (33%) 0.499 


Chron Disease [n (%)] 19 (53%) 9 (75%) 0.176
Ulcerative Colitis [n (%)] 17 (47%) 3 (25%) 0.176
Peripheral arthritis [n (%)] 24 (67%) 11 (92%) 0.091
Axial Involvement [n (%)] 25 (69%) 7 (58%) 0.480
Psoriasis [n (%)] 16 (44%) 4 (33%) 0.499
Dactylitis [n (%)] 2 (6%) 0 (0%) 0.404
Enthesitis [n (%)] 18 (50%) 2 (17%) 0.043
Nail Disease [n (%)] 7 (19%) 0 (0%) 0.098
Obesity [n (%)] 2 (6%) 3 (25%) 0.056
Fibromyalgia [n (%)] 5 (14%) 2 (17%) 0.813
Hypercholesterolemia [n (%)] 4 (11%) 2 (17%) 0.614
Hypertension [n (%)] 7 (19%) 3 (25%) 0.682
Malignancy [n (%)] 7 (19%) 1 (8%) 0.371
Anxiety or Depression [n (%)] 5 (14%) 2 (17%) 0.813
MACEs [n (%)] 1 (3%) 2 (17%) 0.853
GERD [n (%)] 1 (3%) 2 (17%) 0.085
Fecal Calprotectin > 100 mg/Kg [n (%)] 13 (40%) 6 (56%) 0.380
CRP persistently > 1 mg/dL [n (%)] 3 (13%) 7 (37%) 0.061
Glucocorticoids [n (%)] 7 (20%) 1 (8%) 0.353
NSAID chronic use [n (%)] 10 (29%) 7 (58%) 0.064

 Table 1. Clinical and Demographic Characteristics of the cohort.

Variable PsA [n=22] SpA [n=29] P value
Median Age (years) (median; IQR) 50±9.6 (IQ 95% 45.8-54.5) 48.8±2.4 (IQ 95% 43.9-53.6) 0.655
Males [n(%)] 12 (55%) 10 (35%) 0.152
Lenght of Disease (years) (median; IQR) 14.1 7.2 (IQ 95% 10.7-17.5) 11.5 10.7 (IQ 95% 7.4-15.6) 0.351
Articular onset [n(%)] 4 (18%) 9 (32%) 0.264
IBD onset [n(%)] 18 (83%) 19 (68%) 0.264
RCU [n(%)] 8 (36%) 13(44%) 0.543
Chron Disease [n(%)] 14 (64%) 16 (55%) 0.543
Intestinal surgery [n(%)] 11 (50%) 12 (41%) 0.540
Pheripheral Arthritis [n(%)] 13 (59%) 24 (83%) 0.061
Enthesitis [n(%)] 12 (55%) 10 (34%) 0.152
Dactilytis [n(%)] 1 (5%) 1 (3%) 0.842
Axial involvement [n(%)] 16 (55%) 18 (83%) 0.046
Smoking habits [n(%)] 15 (68%) 13 (44%) 0.097
Familiar History [n(%)] 9 (41%) 5 (17%) 0.061
Biological Therapy Multifailure [n(%)] 13 (65%) 7 (29%) 0.017

Table 2. Clinical and Demographical Differences among PsA and SpA patients.