Patient Research Partners

Patient Research Partners

To acknowledge the importance of patients in the development of recommendations for the management and/or diagnosis of psoriatic disease, GRAPPA created a Patient Research Partners (PRP) Network in 2012. In 2014 PRPs began to formalize a more coherent partnership cumulating with formal organizing documents and handbook in 2017. GRAPPA’s PRPs are comprised of patients from around the world who represent the patient perspective on GRAPPA working groups, committees, and research initiatives. The goal is to improve methodology and research outcomes and further the credibility of the results by affirming the treatment directive through the incorporation of the patient perspective. GRAPPA supports the EULAR recommendations for the inclusion of patient representatives published in the 'Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases '.

GRAPPA works closely with other organizations such as OMERACT and IDEOM that also incorporate patients’ voices into their work.


Chair of the GRAPPA PRP (Patient Research Partners) Network is Arnon Katz (Israel). Chair-Elect is Chris Lindsay (USA). The chair of the GRAPPA PRP Network steps in position after being elected and serving as Chair-Elect for two years.


The PRP Network Members include over a dozen dedicated patients from the Americas, Europe, and Asia. If you are a patient who is interested in participating as a volunteer GRAPPA Patient Research Partner, please speak to your GRAPPA rheumatologist or dermatologist about that possibility.

A Patient's Guide to Treatments for Psoriatic Arthritiss

This guide is primarily aimed at those experiencing psoriasis and/or psoriatic arthritis, and those helping to support them. Its goal is to explain, in lay-persons language, the treatments that are currently recommended for psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

Additionally, it is hoped that the guide will prove useful to health care professionals who may wish to provide it to their patients.

The guide has been written by members of GRAPPA’s patient research partner team, with support from GRAPPA’s Treatments Recommendations group. To download the patient guide, please click on the image.

For those who wish to print “A Patient’s Guide to Treatments for Psoriatic Arthritis” guide in booklet format, the guide includes instructions on how to do this on its second last page. For convenience while printing, these instructions are also supplied here in a separate pdf. To download the "print-as-booklet" instructions, please click on the image.

If you wish to provide feedback about this patient guide, please contact us at [email protected].